Must Reads is a collection of book reviews that we believe might be of interest to preachers. Many of the writers are participants in the Peer Groups or the Coaching Program, but other voices are welcome as well. If you have a book you would like to recommend or if you are interested in reviewing a book related to preaching, please email .

Must Reads, Episode 20, with Shauna K. Hannan, featuring her book “The People's Sermon”

In her book The People's Sermon: Preaching as a Ministry to the Whole Congregation, Dr. Shauna Hannan focuses on collaborative preaching and defines it as a spectrum of approaches, from checking in with someone about a sermon topic to inviting others to take the microphone during the sermon. She argues that collaborative preaching is important because it helps to equip the whole congregation to proclaim the gospel.

Thursday, May 4, 2023