Must Reads, Episode 23, with Joni Sancken, featuring her book “All Our Griefs to Bear”

by The Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence on Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Welcome to another episode of Must Reads where The Rev. Dr. Joni Sancken, Associate Professor of Homiletics at United Theological Seminary, discusses her book “All Our Griefs to Bear

In this episode, Dr. Alice McKenzie interviews Dr. Joni Sancken, an ordained pastor with Mennonite Church USA and a professor of homiletics at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. They discuss Dr. Sancken's book, "All Our Griefs to Bear: Responding with Resilience After a Collective Trauma," published in 2022. In times of collective trauma, finding ways to address and cope with the overwhelming effects of such experiences is crucial. The book covers topics such as defining trauma, the effects of trauma on individuals and communities, and three practices for addressing trauma: lament, storytelling, and blessing. Dr. Sancken emphasizes the importance of understanding and processing trauma, and how these practices can help individuals and communities cope with collective trauma. The interview also touches on the challenges and cultural baggage associated with these practices and their significance in a religious context. 

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