Must Reads, Episode 28, with Karoline M. Lewis, featuring “Preaching the Word"

by Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence on Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Welcome to another episode of Must Reads where the Reverend Dr. Karoline M. Lewis, the Marbury E. Anderson Chair of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota discusses her book “Preaching the Word: Contemporary Approaches to the Bible for the Pulpit.”

In this interview, the Reverend Dr. Karoline M. Lewis discusses her recent book “Preaching the Word: Contemporary Approaches to the Bible for the Pulpit” published by Westminster John Knox Press in 2023. Hosted by Alice McKenzie, the conversation delves into Lewis's challenge to move beyond the historical-critical approach to biblical interpretation. Lewis advocates for various contextual lenses through which preachers can engage with the text, emphasizing the importance of reflecting on the experiences of the congregation. Through lenses like feminist, African-American, queer, and disability hermeneutics, Lewis reexamines traditional interpretations, offering insights that challenge dominant narratives and encourage inclusivity and empathy in preaching. By highlighting marginalized voices and critiquing societal norms, Lewis's book aims to foster a deeper connection between scripture and contemporary issues, ultimately enriching the preaching experience and making sermons more relatable and impactful for listeners.

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