Worship and Preaching Planning Event for Advent/Christmas Day/Eve and Epiphany 2022-23

by Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence on Tuesday, August 16, 2022

July 25-28 pastors, musicians, and worship leaders from 6 UM churches around the Southcentral Jurisdiction gathered at Perkins for a Worship and Preaching Planning Event for Advent/Christmas Day/Eve and Epiphany 2022-23.

The week was sponsored by the Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence at SMU. Members of the Perkins Faculty (Dr. Wes Allen, Dr. Alyce McKenzie, Dr. Rebekah Miles, Dr. Mark Stamm, and Dr. Marcell Steuernagel offered keynote teaching and resourced small group discussions. 

Group from Pueblo, Co. Sonrise UMC.

Group from FUMC Elgin, TX

Group fromGalveston Central Church, TX

Group fromFUMC Hammond, LA

FUMC Sherman, TX

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