Practicing the Preaching Life by David B. Ward

by Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence on Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Must Reads, Episode 2, with Dr. David B. Ward, featuring his book “Practicing the Preaching Life.”

Dr. Ward shifts the conversation from homiletical techniques to Christian practices, or contextual virtues, that give life to preachers and to their preaching. He believes that it is important to incorporate practices that are sustained over time and which require preachers to grow holistically. Effective preaching is an overflow of a preacher’s everyday life.

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Dr. David Ward has ministered as a local church pastor, itinerant preacher, youth ministries speaker, academic dean, and sought after preaching coach. Dr. Ward teaches preachers at all levels of theological education nationally and internationally. His preaching and teaching are rich with content, alive with humor, and consistently practical for the working pastor. David Ward is based in the Midwest with his wife, Holly, and their three children.


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