May 14 2024, Lunch and Learn with Dr. McKenzie

by Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence on Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 14, 2024, Lunch and Learn with Dr. McKenzie

Dr. McKenzie served as a speaker at the latest Office of Enrollment Management “Lunch and Learn!” an event for prospective Perkins students.

Tuesday, May 14 at noon in the Perkins Prothro Great Hall, Dr. Alyce McKenzie, offered an interactive lecture entitled “Holy Humor! The Role of Humor in the Life of Faith,” based on her recent co-authored book (with SMU professor Owen Hanley Lynch) Humor Us! Preaching and the Power of the Comic Spirit (Westminster John Knox Press 2023).

She offered insights into the contribution a sense of humor can make to life in general, ministry and preaching in particular.

Recommending that, while we take ministry seriously, we have a sense of humor about ourselves, she quoted C.K. Chesterton:

Angels can fly because they take themselves so lightly!

The book is available on Amazon and Westminster John Knox Press

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